


The Uncommen Blog

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

Mental Health for Men

Mental Health for Men

Brothers, embracing the roles of husband and father brings with it a profound sense of purpose and joy. However, these roles can also present unique mental health in men challenges. Balancing family responsibilities, work demands, and personal well-being requires...

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Value of Time

Value of Time

“The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.”–C. S. Lewis. I think I was about ten years old when I first saw The Terminator. I live out in the country and don’t have access to whatever movies or...

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The Best Thing a Dad Can Do

The Best Thing a Dad Can Do

Ephesians 5: 25-27 ~ Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or...

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Navigating the Blended Family Journey

Navigating the Blended Family Journey

  In this episode of Uncommen's podcast, we delve deep into a crucial topic - navigating the blended family journey. In response to a listener's question, we discuss the myriad challenges that families face when navigating fostering, adoption, remarriage and the...

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Love Lingo

Love Lingo

  In this episode of our podcast, we delve into "Love Lingo", the intricate world of communication within marriage. Our hosts, TJ and Joshua, share their personal experiences and observations, shedding light on how communication styles can differ significantly...

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I Want Patience Now!

I Want Patience Now!

  In this engaging episode of the Man to Man Podcast: I Want Patience Now, hosts TJ and Joshua delve into a thoughtful discussion about the virtue of patience. They share their personal experiences and struggles, offering listeners a relatable perspective on the...

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5 Love Languages

5 Love Languages

In this insightful podcast, we delve into a deep discussion about the concept of the 5 Love Languages, a theory developed by Gary Chapman. We share our personal experiences and insights about understanding and practicing these love languages in our relationships,...

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Mending Relationships

Mending Relationships

Proverbs 23:22: “Listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old.” Proverbs 23:24: “The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him.” My Father It’s been a battle to allow myself to...

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Love Her

Love Her

“He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.” Proverbs 18:22 NIV We had the pleasure this past weekend of hosting a wedding. My brother married his fiancé Jess, and they asked me to perform the ceremony. This was my third time doing so,...

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Understanding Your Wife

Understanding Your Wife

Do you remember any books you read from the 5th grade? Maybe it was a Choose Your Own Adventure tale, 101 Ways to Eat Fried Worms, or the one about a Lion, a Witch, and a Wardrobe. The one that immediately comes to my mind? “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by...

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Life Struggles

Life Struggles

“They help each other and say to their companions, “Be strong!” Isaiah 41:6 NIV  How do you handle life struggles? Reaching out to other men who may have experienced that struggle can help you in your circumstances. God wants us to experience peace within our life...

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