


The Uncommen Blog

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

Grace-Filled Seasons

Grace-Filled Seasons

     Grace-Filled Seasons: Empty Nest, Grandparenting, and Elder Care We encounter the quiet transition to an empty nest, the joys of grandparenting, and the honor of elder care. Today’s Man to Man podcast, Grace-Filled Seasons, explores these significant...

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Love Like Christ: in Everyday Life

Love Like Christ: in Everyday Life

  Welcome to our latest Man to Man Podcast episode, "Love Like Christ: in Everyday Life." In this episode, we delve into how we can infuse Christ's teachings of love into every aspect of our daily lives, from family dynamics to building community and serving...

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Embody the Love of Jesus

Embody the Love of Jesus

Brothers, as we strive to live a life that honors Christ, one of our most extraordinary callings is to embody the love of Jesus in every aspect of our daily lives. This love, as depicted in Scripture, is not just an emotion but a way of being, a guiding principle that...

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Navigating Men’s Mental Health Journey

Navigating Men’s Mental Health Journey

   Brothers, are you navigating the often silent struggle of men's mental health? In our latest Man to Man Podcast episode,  "Navigating Men's Mental Health Journey," we dive deep into this vital topic. This episode is dedicated to exploring the challenges and...

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Find Hope and Renewal This Christmas

Find Hope and Renewal This Christmas

 The holiday season, especially Christmas, often brings the changes in our lives into sharper focus. This can include the pain of missing loved ones or the evolution of traditions. Many people feel the impact of loss more acutely during this time. In this Man-to-Man...

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Peaceful Christmas

Peaceful Christmas

The Christmas season, with its festive spirit and gatherings, often brings unique challenges. Sometimes, it involves spending time with relatives or friends with whom we have complicated histories. This time of year, symbolizing the birth of Christ, calls us to...

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Thriving Christmas

Thriving Christmas

  The Christmas season often arrives with a flurry of activities, leaving us more frazzled than festive. Our calendars become as packed as the malls, filled with events, gatherings, and last-minute shopping. However, it's crucial to remember that a crowded...

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