


The Uncommen Blog

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

10 life lessons on Summer Adventure with your Kids

The Summer brings about all kinds of opportunities for quality family time with your kids. While you often can hear about mothers dealing with challenges of the extra free time kids seem to have on their hands, it's time for Dad's to step up and draw their children...

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Brothers and Envy

Brothers and Envy

I long for deeper and closer friendships in my life, and I have been grateful for the men who have come into my world. But, often the same men I would want as a closer brother, I can struggle with deep envy of. I am both drawn to them and their gifts, yet at the same...

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The Frivolity of Time is Stealing Your Manhood

The Frivolity of Time is Stealing Your Manhood

“The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.” - C.S. Lewis I think I was about ten years old when I first saw Terminator. I lived out in the country and didn’t have access to whatever movie or show...

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Write A Tribute For Dad

When I first heard about this idea of writing a tribute to my dad, I knew I didn’t have a choice. I had to do it, even though I knew it would be a stretch goal. I felt so nervous about it that I procrastinated way too long. I first heard about the idea from Dennis...

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Why Interview Dad?

Ever since I was a kid, I liked to pretend that I was interviewing people. Seriously, I remember walking around with a camera and just asking people random questions. Maybe you never imagined interviewing celebrities like me. I would like to tell you about my...

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Show Him Some Love: Send Postcards

Sometimes the hardest conversation to start is with the person who means the most to me. When I am in the grocery line, I can carry on mindless small talk conversations with total strangers. But when it feels like the stakes are high, I can invest lots of emotional...

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Give Him A Little Grace

Give Him A Little Grace

We buried my dad last weekend, after a brutal 16-month battle with a rare lung disease. The grinding pace of the fight was excruciating and filled with ups and downs. With each new treatment option, we held our breath and hoped for the best. He even went as far as to...

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Calendar Your Companionship

Calendar Your Companionship

"How long has it been since we…" Has your wife ever started with those words and you knew what was coming next? Just once you you hoped she continued with: "…invited the guys over for beverages around a bonfire?" "…revisited the idea of converting the basement into a...

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Turn Your Spouse’s Criticisms into Clues

What does “around six pm” mean to you? It’s crystal clear to me. After my dad and I chucked papers at o dark thirty every morning we would eat breakfast, get ready for work and school respectively, then he’d head out the door and tell my mom, “I’ll be home around...

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How to Win Your Wife

Do you remember any books you read from the 5th grade? Maybe it was a Choose Your Own Adventure tale, 101 Ways to Eat Fried Worms, or the one about a Lion, a Witch, and a Wardrobe. The one that immediately comes to my mind? How to Win Friends and Influence People by...

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Brew Your Bride

She likes it hot. Her coffee that is. Every morning at 6:30 am, her alarm clock goes off and she hits the snooze button. At 6:33 I attempt to gently shake her out of her stupor with the burring sound of grinding coffee. In just four short minutes, her enthusiasm to...

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