
What It Takes To Run a Non-Profit

We’re glad you asked! Many times throughout the year we get approached by people wanting to help further the reach of Uncommen and help us reach men around the world. The amount of encouraging feedback we receive from people is staggering and makes us take this God-sized task all the more serious. After all, we are wanting to bring God Glory, encourage men to be the Husband, Dad, and Leader they were always meant to be and have some fun while we do it.

As for the day-to-day activities in the Uncommen studio, it’s meetings, creative ideas and lots of coffee. But we wanted to list some things that we are in need of in 2018, so you could be praying about it and asking God how He’d like to you get involved with Uncommen right where you are.


Oh boy, we just dropped the “F” word. We’d love to say that Uncommen runs on well wishes and high fives, but the ugly truth is that it takes money. I think when you classify yourself as a non-profit, you almost never have enough funds to perform what you desire to be done wholly. Yet, God has been faithful to bring some loyal donors into Uncommen on an on-going basis. We need more of those faithful givers to grow and sustain our non-profit.

  • We are in need of 4 organizations to become on-going partners and donate $10,000 per year.
  • We are in need of 12 people or organizations to step-up and give a one-time gift of $2,500 or $5,000.
  • We are in need of 100 people to donate a one-time gift of $100.
  • We are in need of as many on-going donation partners as we can get.

Why, you ask? 

Another great question. Without your contributions, we can’t invest in content development, promotions, advertising, new curriculum, charter expansion, YouVersion devotionals and more. We love getting the opportunity to pour into men all over the world, but funding is required to provide materials and inspiring content.


Did you know that the average cost for a blog article to be written by someone is about $150? We push out content weekly. That would be $7,800 if we had to hire someone to write content every week. In 2018, we committed to getting all of our content developed on a volunteer basis. This was a monumental task that was completed at Thanksgiving 2017. So, we have all of our content written for 2018. Now we have to edit the articles, design graphics, schedule updates, and promote this content.

  • We need additional content written on an on-going basis based on the Uncommen writing guidelines.
  • We need new devotional written around the concepts of Husbands, Dads, and Leaders. Contact me at [email protected] with questions
  • We need new video content developed based on fans of Uncommen and their viewpoint of the ministry. What they like about it, what God has taught them through it, and personal testimonies.


What is a Charter? A Charter is a small group of men who meet in a community on a frequent basis to encourage each other to be Uncommen Men. They use the Uncommen content to go over situations that every guy deals with. They discuss the topics, ask questions, and challenge each other to grow in Christ. They reach out into their community with service projects so they can bond as they help other people. They invite other men who may not have a mentor, a guy or a small group in their life. We are better together than we are alone.

Starting a Charter requires a man stepping up to lead the group. You don’t need to be an expert at this, but rather just willing to lead the group. We provide content and some leadership direction for you.

We are currently in seventeen states and four countries around the world. What we need:

  • We are looking to double the number of states we are in by the end of 2018.
  • We are looking to have 12 countries with Charters by the end of 2018.
  • We are looking for at least 75% of our current Charters to renew in 2018.


We need people talking, sharing and promoting Uncommen to their family and friends. You can reach people that we cannot. If each person on our Facebook page told three people about Uncommen, that would be 24,000 people who would hear about Uncommen. If each person from our email list told three people, that would be 65,400 people.

As you can see, if you help us spread the word, the domino effect would be enormous.

While these are just some of the needs, these are the four primary needs for Uncommen to grow to the worldwide ministry God has called us to be. We will be sharing our 2018 goals in January so you can see where the ministry is heading and see how you can be involved.

Here are some other ways to get involved:

Thank you for all you do.

Stay Uncommen,

1 Comment

  1. Fraction Muzamba

    I’ve just found what I’ve missed out on in my husband-dad relationships and responsibility. Would recommend all men to know this.Thanks guys for the wonderful work God is doing through you.


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