UNCOMMEN Year-End Fundraiser

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Investing In God’s Kingdom


The Power of Your Membership

When you start a Membership with Uncommen, not only are you benefiting with access to our library of resources, but you are also investing directly in God’s Kingdom. Every dollar of your Membership goes back into the ministry, ensuring that 100% of the funds raised are used to further Our Mission of spreading the Gospel. Your contribution helps us reach men worldwide, providing them with the resources and support they need to grow in their faith and lead lives of purpose and integrity. By supporting Uncommen, you are making a tangible difference in the lives of men everywhere, helping to spread the Gospel and build a stronger community of believers.

How Your Membership Helps

  • Creating and distributing faith-based resources: Your Membership helps us develop and distribute Bible studies, devotionals, and other materials that inspire and equip men to grow in their faith.
  • Supporting online outreach: Your contribution allows us to expand our digital presence, reaching more men through social media, podcasts, and our website.
  • Developing leadership programs: Your Membership helps us train and mentor men to become leaders in their families and communities.
  • Providing supportive resources: We offer supportive resources for a wide range of issues to men facing challenges, helping them find hope and healing through faith.
  • Funding community service projects: Your Membership enables us to organize and participate in service projects that positively impact local communities.
  • Expanding domestic and global outreach: Memberships allow us to partner with ministries and organizations, extending our reach to men worldwide.


Below, you will see Uncommen reaches over 40 countries with the Gospel, and we need your continued help to reach the rest of the world. 

Leave a comment and let us know where you’re from. We’ll update the map!

It’s the discount season. You may have been prepping for these Holiday sales for months so you can purchase that 75 inch HD 8k OLED UHD LMNOP TV that goes on sale. Perhaps you’ll be waking at 4 am on Black Friday to get that 300% early bird special.

May I suggest an alternative to buying a TV that may not fit in your living room or standing in line at 4 am to buy something you’ll forget you have in 2 months?

Donating to Uncommen

Starting December 1st and running through December 31st, we are having a year-end fundraiser to help support the on-going development efforts for this ministry. Truth be told, there is a 365 day a year need for support, but we understand the reality of life and its financial commitments. 

The Uncommen Goal – $20,000

We are trying to raise $20,000 with this year-end fundraiser, and we need your help to get there. I know it may seem like we are always pushing something to raise money (charter, membership, gear, fundraiser, etc.) Trust us, we do not like having to ask for financial assistance, but that is the nature of a non-profit. 

To set the perspective of what we develop for public consumption.

  • Weekly Blog Content
  • Charter Leadership Material
  • Charter Challenges
  • Monthly emails to Donors, Charters, Members
  • Monthly YouVersion Devotionals
  • Bi-monthly OliveTree Devotionals
  • Weekly Facebook Live Session
  • Daily Social Media Development / Monitoring
  • Quarterly Uncommen Originals
  • Uncommen Gear
  • Uncommen Books (Husbands / Dads / Leaders)
  • An audio version of blog articles

Fundraising for 2020 projects

We are developing the following content and solutions in 2020. It’s great to have plans, but it comes with the need for resources. 

  • The Uncommen App
  • Video content around Husbands / Dads / Leaders
  • Bi-monthly Uncommen Originals
  • Developing new Partnerships and content
  • Developing new Membership Features

How to give to this fundraiser

We want to provide you several ways to give to the year-end fundraiser.

The Benefits of Giving

Oh sure, there’s the write-off for your taxes, but I think God has a better reward in mind for those to give.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7

The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

1 Timothy 5:18

For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer deserves his wages.

Galatians 6:7

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Matthew 28 19-20

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Now What?

I hope you can hear our heart in this fundraiser and know that we are on a mission to help men be the Husbands, Dads, and Leaders God always meant them to be.

Donating to Uncommen

Uncommen Questions:

  • Do you find value in Uncommen? If so, do you support the ministry?
  • Did you know that we are entirely donor-supported? 
  • Do you know what goes into running a non-profit? More info
  • Do you know what we stand for? More info

Uncommen Challenge:

I challenge you to financially support Uncommen during our year-end fundraiser with a one-time gift or the much-needed recurring donation.

Author: Tj Todd is the creative director of UNCOMMEN and the CEO of Studio490 Creative Services.



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