UNCOMMEN Challenge: Let’s Get Healthy

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Investing In God’s Kingdom


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  • Creating and distributing faith-based resources: Your Membership helps us develop and distribute Bible studies, devotionals, and other materials that inspire and equip men to grow in their faith.
  • Supporting online outreach: Your contribution allows us to expand our digital presence, reaching more men through social media, podcasts, and our website.
  • Developing leadership programs: Your Membership helps us train and mentor men to become leaders in their families and communities.
  • Providing supportive resources: We offer supportive resources for a wide range of issues to men facing challenges, helping them find hope and healing through faith.
  • Funding community service projects: Your Membership enables us to organize and participate in service projects that positively impact local communities.
  • Expanding domestic and global outreach: Memberships allow us to partner with ministries and organizations, extending our reach to men worldwide.


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There are probably several reasons women outlive men, and one of them may be that we don’t take care of our health as they do. Your health, matters, however. There are many positives that come along with maintaining a diet or regular exercise. Being healthy doesn’t mean you have to make it your #1 priority in your life (because you shouldn’t), but it can start with good, effective choices. Our Uncommen Challenge this month is Let’s Get Healthy!

How can you get healthy?

  • Workout
    • Bike Rides
    • Cardio
    • Weight-lifting

While there are many free apps for men, it can be hard to choose the best ones. All of these apps are free; however, they contain paid options that you can access. Also, all of these apps are available for both Android and IOS. Apps

  • Community service
    • Yard work ministry
    • Food banks

There is so much you can do to help your community. Don’t know where to start. Here is a list to get you started.- Community Service Opportunities Whether that’s collecting, teaching, volunteering, or something else, you should be able to find something to inspire you to get out there and do.

  • Diet
    • Remember, you can start small!

A balanced approach to nutrition is your best bet – for health and weight loss. This article gives you more details on the best diets for men. Check it out!

  • And more!

You don’t have to go full-on Keto, gluten-free, low-carb, but you may want to have a goal of cutting out sugar for a month and see how everyone feels.

Make it your own and have some fun with it. Who knows, you may add years to your life and your family will be thankful you did.

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