UNCOMMEN Challenge: A Valentine’s Day Guide for Men

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Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and it’s the perfect opportunity to show your loved ones how much you care. If you’re looking for a way to make the day extra special, why not take charge of dinner and surprise your wife with her favorite meal?

Ecclesiastes 9:7 says, “Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do.” So why not take this opportunity to enjoy a meal together with gladness and joy?

Need to get your Valentine’s Day off to a great start? Check out our “25 ways to romance your wife” Freebie

To get started, you’ll need to do a little recon work. If you don’t already know what your wife’s favorite meal is, take the time to find out. Then, pick a night and tell her that you’ll have dinner covered. When she comes home, tell her to relax and that dinner will be served whenever you usually eat.

Make sure you go to the store and purchase everything you need to make the meal, including dessert. When it’s time to start cooking, be sure to plan your meal and have everything ready. If you’re not used to cooking, this may take a little more effort than you’re used to. Make sure you have candles, and a fun drink, and make arrangements for your kids to be somewhere else so that you and your wife can enjoy a peaceful meal together.

Once everything is finished, plate the meal, pour the drinks, and invite your wife to dinner. Don’t forget to enjoy your meal together!

After dinner, make sure to take care of the dishes and thank your wife for all the hard work she does day in and day out. By taking control of dinner and showing your appreciation, you can make Valentine’s Day a special and memorable occasion for both of you.

Uncommen Questions:

  • What are some ways that you can show appreciation and love to your significant other on Valentine’s Day?
  • How can you make the day extra special and meaningful for both of you?

Uncommen Challenge:

  • Take charge of dinner on Valentine’s Day and surprise your wife with her favorite meal. Show her how much you appreciate all the hard work she does and make the day a special and memorable occasion for both of you.

Stay Uncommen!


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