Signing up for the Uncommen Newsletter

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Investing In God’s Kingdom


The Power of Your Membership

When you start a Membership with Uncommen, not only are you benefiting with access to our library of resources, but you are also investing directly in God’s Kingdom. Every dollar of your Membership goes back into the ministry, ensuring that 100% of the funds raised are used to further Our Mission of spreading the Gospel. Your contribution helps us reach men worldwide, providing them with the resources and support they need to grow in their faith and lead lives of purpose and integrity. By supporting Uncommen, you are making a tangible difference in the lives of men everywhere, helping to spread the Gospel and build a stronger community of believers.

How Your Membership Helps

  • Creating and distributing faith-based resources: Your Membership helps us develop and distribute Bible studies, devotionals, and other materials that inspire and equip men to grow in their faith.
  • Supporting online outreach: Your contribution allows us to expand our digital presence, reaching more men through social media, podcasts, and our website.
  • Developing leadership programs: Your Membership helps us train and mentor men to become leaders in their families and communities.
  • Providing supportive resources: We offer supportive resources for a wide range of issues to men facing challenges, helping them find hope and healing through faith.
  • Funding community service projects: Your Membership enables us to organize and participate in service projects that positively impact local communities.
  • Expanding domestic and global outreach: Memberships allow us to partner with ministries and organizations, extending our reach to men worldwide.


Below, you will see Uncommen reaches over 40 countries with the Gospel, and we need your continued help to reach the rest of the world. 

Leave a comment and let us know where you’re from. We’ll update the map!

We wanted to reach out to our current and future audience with some information about our newsletter and our goal to provide you with Uncommen content. We’ve noticed a couple of “Did not sign-up for list” or “No longer interested” entries on the reports. We only want to deliver content to those who want to get it. So here we go…

When you sign-up

  • We have a double opt-in process so you have to really want to sign-up for the newsletter.
  • If you don’t complete the 2nd opt-in, you won’t be added to the database.

What do we send out?

  • Each week, we email the blog post that is published on our website. This is in case you’d rather read it in your email application.
  • Once per month, we send out an informative email that talks about Uncommen as a movement. New charters, studies,  gear as well as challenges to our ever-growing list of Uncommen Men.

How often do we email?

  • A total of 5 emails a month (one blog post each week and one informative email)
  • We promise we won’t spam your email and all emails will be informative and helpful.

“I didn’t sign up for list…”

If you started getting emails from us, you may have someone in your life that wants you to get this content. We’ve had wives, brothers and parents tell us they have signed up a person because they wanted them to get this content. So before you unsubscribe from our list, read one or two of our articles. We are trying to reach the common man with Uncommen content.




For those “No longer interested”

We get it…you may have signed up when you were using the Uncommen App and now that it’s in the shop, you don’t want to get emails. But the same great content, cause and goals that you liked so much in the app are still on the website and in our social channels. Give us a chance!

Thank you and have a blessed day.


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