Pursuing God in and out of Trials

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Investing In God’s Kingdom


The Power of Your Membership

When you start a Membership with Uncommen, not only are you benefiting with access to our library of resources, but you are also investing directly in God’s Kingdom. Every dollar of your Membership goes back into the ministry, ensuring that 100% of the funds raised are used to further Our Mission of spreading the Gospel. Your contribution helps us reach men worldwide, providing them with the resources and support they need to grow in their faith and lead lives of purpose and integrity. By supporting Uncommen, you are making a tangible difference in the lives of men everywhere, helping to spread the Gospel and build a stronger community of believers.

How Your Membership Helps

  • Creating and distributing faith-based resources: Your Membership helps us develop and distribute Bible studies, devotionals, and other materials that inspire and equip men to grow in their faith.
  • Supporting online outreach: Your contribution allows us to expand our digital presence, reaching more men through social media, podcasts, and our website.
  • Developing leadership programs: Your Membership helps us train and mentor men to become leaders in their families and communities.
  • Providing supportive resources: We offer supportive resources for a wide range of issues to men facing challenges, helping them find hope and healing through faith.
  • Funding community service projects: Your Membership enables us to organize and participate in service projects that positively impact local communities.
  • Expanding domestic and global outreach: Memberships allow us to partner with ministries and organizations, extending our reach to men worldwide.


Below, you will see Uncommen reaches over 40 countries with the Gospel, and we need your continued help to reach the rest of the world. 

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It’s April 16th as I write this article, and it seems like everyone is waiting for the “All Clear” to be given around the COVID-19 virus. We’re streaming shows, zooming virtual groups, ordering groceries, walking around the neighborhoods all waiting. Waiting…Waiting…Waiting!

2 Chronicles 7:14-15 — “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.”

I’m here to say that God has already given us the all-clear to read His Word and pray to Him. We don’t need a government to tell us to pursue God.

We have been called to humble ourselves. With all the deaths, sickness, anxiety, and loss, I’d imagine we are indeed humbled. If you are not, I would take some time and revisit your situation from a spiritual standpoint. Once you do that, you will see just how fragile our world is. All the false security we have in place—money, food, shelter, organizations, policies—can be brought to a halt faster than we would like to realize. 

This is the point in which you and I need to determine how we are going to process life-altering events. 

Not Connected to God Daily

  • Do we only rely upon the Government to help?
  • Do we only turn to God when something is going bad?
  • Do we blame God when something like COVID-19 happens?
  • Do we only take the focus off of ourselves during a Pandemic?
  • Do we only get into God’s Word during the bad times?
  • Do we only pray to God when something is wrong?

Connected to God Daily

  • We should be communicating with God daily, no matter what is happening in our world/life.
  • We understand the there will be Trials and Tribulations, but God is with us through it all.
  • We need to be helping our neighbors even when there isn’t a worldwide pandemic.
  • If you and I are in God’s Word daily, then we would know He is always in control and loves you. We would understand that there is peace to be found in His word that goes beyond world events.
  • Our prayer life should be an on-going conversation with God, asking for wisdom, direction, and seeking His will for our lives.

Sobering News

My family and I were born and raised in New Orleans (40 years) and went through Hurrican Katrina. We evacuated for the Hurricane and didn’t set foot back in our home until 18 months later. After selling that home in New Orleans, we moved into a house in Charlotte, NC. For two full years, we were in “transition” from what we called “our normal life.” Now with COVID-19 impacting us and the world, we are going through some hard times again. But we are going through this differently as we remember that God was faithful through the Katrina years, and He has not changed during the COVID-19 time.

During the Katrina years, we grew closer to God in our walk, closer to each other, and shared life experiences. If you are interested in reading about that adventure, you can right here on Uncommen (insert link here).

The Good News

The point I want to make is there is going to be a Hurricane Katrina or a COVID-19 or something new that is going to make you pause. 

When you do pause, remember “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

Now is the perfect time to turn back to God and read His Will for your life. If you know Him, reread of His love for you and trust Him. If you don’t know Him as your personal Savior, then now is the time to read of His love for you and trust Him.

About the Author: Tj Todd is the CEO of Studio490 Creative Services and the Director of UNCOMMEN.



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