How To Be a Good Father

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  • Proverbs 20:7 The righteous who walk in his integrity— blessed are his children after him!
  • Psalm 103:13 As a father shows compassion to his children, the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.
  • Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.

The role of being a dad was always challenging, but in today’s culture, it’s almost impossible. If we teach our children the ways of the Lord, we are bigots. If we give them boundaries, we are oppressing them. If we leave them alone to handle issues themselves, we don’t care. Men are in a no-win situation in today’s society. But fortunately, you and I have a higher calling, and that is where we need to focus our eyes – God. No matter what the world thinks this month about our faith, marriage, or children, it’s what God wants that wins the day. Let’s seek to glorify God in the way we teach, raise and lead our children.

How to be a good father:

Father: First Half

  • Lead by example: Do you want your children to have a great work ethic? Get up and go to work every day. Help around the house, teach your children some fundamentals in life (how to change a tire, cook, drive)
  • Speak with Truth & Grace: Let your yes be yes, and your no be no. Speak with your children, not at them, and be sure to talk about your mistakes. Be purposeful when talking about Jesus and your faith.
  • Get involved: If your son wants to play peewee baseball? You offered to coach the team. If your daughter was to have a tea party, you sit down and ask for a double shot (English Breakfast or Earl Grey if you please)
  • Set boundaries: For you and your children. Boundaries are suitable for everyone, even if your children squawk at them. Set realistic boundaries and be consistent.
  • Be Ready for Change: As your children grow, they will need you to grow with them. After all, how you parent a 9-year-old is vastly different than a 17-year-old.

Father: Second Half

  • Old Dog / New Tricks – You will have to embrace technology as your children may communicate more with you there than in person.
  • Know when to adapt and when not to – You may need to learn that an old way of thinking (about race) needs to change. You may need to stand your ground on what you believe and make sure it’s within God’s will.
  • Still needed but differently – Gone are the days of teaching them to ride a bike or drive a car? Don’t worry; they will need you when discussing their career, marriage, kids, money, etc.
  • Don’t fade away – Whether you’re on the front or back nine, don’t fade away. Stay active with your family and keep building relationships.
  • Dad Strong – The last thing you want to happen to your children after all the work you put in when they were growing up is for someone to lead them away from Christ as they grow older. Keep engaging them, challenging them, and talking about Jesus with them. They will be exposed to all kinds of threats no matter their age.


 Truth & Grace

  • Truth: As you can see, your role as a dad may change over the years, but your calling to be one never does.
  • Grace: You’ve been gifted the role of a dad (many men will never be). Do not take it for granted and seek God’s instruction.

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