In what looks like the plot of a movie, we see a virus that can kill us. We are all watching what looks like the end of life as we know it. Think about it. The only thing that changed is that we found out one thing that already existed. God already knew, and His power did not suddenly shift. Today, we’ll consider that you reap what you sow. So, what do you reap?
“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” – Galatians 6:7
Spending Days Alone
I travel a couple of days a week for work. I also see an older population. My average customer is 70 years old. This morning, I left the house, not sure how I would be received by total strangers who were literally all watching various news stories about our impending death. I also realized how many surfaces I touch in a day, none of them clean. I started fine. On Monday morning, I always start with enthusiasm. I like the job for that reason, and every week begins new. Last week was either good or bad, but it is gone. Build it again.
One downfall of my job is that I work alone in a car. There is a lot of time for voices in my head. I am usually pretty good at dealing with them. Today, however, I cannot say that. I started to feel sick. My throat hurt. I felt like I had a fever. I thought about heading home, but I always feel guilty if I cut effort short.
I struggle with anxiety as well, but I can call on Jesus when I’m struggling. Why did I not go to Him sooner? I need time with Jesus as everyone does, but sometimes I forgot to take advantage of how easy it is to pray.
You Reap What You Sow
Later in the day, I found people who wanted to talk. When I wiped the doom off my face, so did total strangers. Christians should be the happiest and most joy-filled people on the earth. It helps our Christian witness when we’re joyful, helpful, and loving to our neighbors. What if you’re the only Christian they witness today? Will it leave a good mark or a poor one?
Unfortunately, I am sure my demeanor was self-fulfilling today. It probably is every day. I cannot reap what I do not sow. Doom breeds doom. Hope breeds hope. Faith thankfully produces faith. I am reminded today that I must trust the God who made me.
Author: Rick Claiborn
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I have worked in the restaurant management field all my life, working face to face with crews and public. Last year I was hospitalized with the corona19 virus and was down with it for several months hard. People who have never had it to those degrees don’t understand the lasting side effects it can leave. I found myself praying more and more. I do believe that was a big part to what has helped me through it, not just physically but also mentally. To this day I pray and talk to God through out the day and thank Him that I’m still here to be able to help my family and others.
Love this! I try to be an example when I’m out in public of how a Christian should be but I definitely need to make a more conscious effort. I often forget that God and others are always watching
Thank you Mr Claiborn this article was a blessing to me. May Jesus keep and bless you.
Thank you for this article. I found it both challenging and encouraging. My we each continue to keep our focus on Him, and reflect His light through us. Blessings brothers.
Powerful message. Thank you. Absolutely, we reap what we sow. I have been battling many addictions and sin in my life which I couldn’t let go. My marriage is hanging by a thread, we have been separated for 3 years. I have hurt my family and daughters with emotional and verbal abuse. Last year I got coronavirus, and God has a way to get our attention. He works all things for our good. I feel blessed to be alive, he healed me and saved me from Coronavirus and from a life of sin. Jesus is always faithful and He never leaves or abandons us. I began fasting in January with my church, and God has been showing up every day to help me have victory. I know I have a done a lot of wrong in my life and hurt my family, the closest to me for my angry, and alcoholic behavior. The power of the Holy Spirit is giving me the strength wisdom and courage to put God and my family first. That’s all that matters in this life!! God bless you.