

The Uncommen Truth About Non-Profits


The cold hard truth about this non-profit is that we are 100% supported by the financial partnership of men just like you. We wish we were independently wealthy so we wouldn’t have to ask, but that’s not the case. So it’s up to us to be good stewards with the ministry in what we offer and what we ask for in support. We could just put out a tip jar (so to speak) and ask for donations, but we want to offer something for your financial partnership in return. That’s why we developed these programs and products:


MasterClass Series (NEW)

Small Groups




A ton of work goes into the on-going development of these resources and we try to create items that we would be willing to purchase at those prices. If you are thinking of the programs and products we offer are just things to “buy” you are thinking of it all wrong. Don’t think of it as you are buying something, but rather partnering or if you prefer…supporting this ministry. 100% of every dollar that comes in goes back into the ministry for development and growth.


An Uncommen Team

There are a few of us (not nearly enough) that pray this ministry uphill every day. Not only are we serving this ministry, but we contribute financially as well, and that goes for the board of directors as well. Here are just a few things the team has done on its own to support Uncommen over the years.

• Main donor – funds 65% of Uncommen. It used to be 100% and we’ve managed to reduce the burden in 2022 and look to do that and more in years to come. But we need your help!
• Board members – Lead Bible Studies, attend meetings, give financally and set aside a certain number of hours each month to work on the growth of Uncommen but put in at least twice that.
• Writers – while the writing duties have been mostly on the leadership team, we’ve been helped tremendously by a couple of writers that help create the content you enjoy so much.
• Donors – we have a few faithful people who give every month and usually about a total of 3 people to donate during the year. We need more monthly donations… HELP!!!

What has Uncommen been up to?

• Articles/Blogs  — 350+ blogs on website
• Newsletter  — 10,000+ subscribers
• Social Media  — 36,000+ followers
• Bi-Monthly Devotionals  — 75+ (YouVersion, OliveTree and Uncommen
• Small Groups (2017-now) — 27 Small Groups
• Memberships (2019-now) — 475 (Long term goal – 1600+)
• Bi-Monthly Originals (Member Only Content) – (15)
• MasterClass SeriesNEW
• Uncommen App
PodCast – Weekly Podcast every Wednesday – NEW


Your Uncommen Opportunity

As you can see, it takes a team of people to pull this ministry together, and we’d like you to be part of that team. While we need things like prayer, social engagement and word-of-mouth. We need monthly donations that we can depend on and plan for future projects. The significant part is while we love substantial contributions, the backbone of most budgets are donations  monthly donor. Will you consider the following…

100 people to give a $25 one-time gift

25 people to commit to $25 a month

10 people to commit to $50

10 people commit to $100!

When you become a donor, we will communicate with you every other month on what donations are going to and the performance of specific programs and products. We provide tax information for every donor at the end of the year.


Click To Give Today