


The Uncommen Blog

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

Adversity in the Church

Adversity in the Church

Have you ever attended a church community and found something that didn't quite sit well with you? Perhaps the music was too loud, the sermon too long, or the pastor's hat was not to your liking. These minor discomforts, often referred to as 'adversity in the church,'...

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Navigating the Blended Family Journey

Navigating the Blended Family Journey

  In this episode of Uncommen's podcast, we delve deep into a crucial topic - navigating the blended family journey. In response to a listener's question, we discuss the myriad challenges that families face when navigating fostering, adoption, remarriage and the...

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Love Lingo

Love Lingo

  In this episode of our podcast, we delve into "Love Lingo", the intricate world of communication within marriage. Our hosts, TJ and Joshua, share their personal experiences and observations, shedding light on how communication styles can differ significantly...

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I Want Patience Now!

I Want Patience Now!

  In this engaging episode of the Man to Man Podcast: I Want Patience Now, hosts TJ and Joshua delve into a thoughtful discussion about the virtue of patience. They share their personal experiences and struggles, offering listeners a relatable perspective on the...

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10 Keys To A Godly Marriage

10 Keys To A Godly Marriage

What is a Godly Marriage? God designed marriage as a lifelong commitment between one man and one woman for their mutual joy, the good of society, and the procreation of children. Marriage ultimately displays the glory and grace of God by picturing the unbreakable...

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Christian support during college life

Christian support during college life

"Do not be misled: 'Bad company corrupts good character.'" (1 Corinthians 15:33) So you are in college, and after the excitement has fallen away and the nerves settled, you may be asking yourself what's next. What do you need to look out for as a believer of Christ?...

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Some Thoughts on How To Reconcile Relationships

Some Thoughts on How To Reconcile Relationships

They were driving down the expressway on their way to work. He usually dropped his wife off downtown, then went to his job. They were talking about an issue he was having with someone. He was not happy and was going to take action. His wife, tiring of his ranting,...

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How to Handle Disagreements in Your Marriage

How to Handle Disagreements in Your Marriage

Have you ever heard someone say, “Well I guess we just have to agree to disagree”? It happens in arguments or any discussion on any topic from large to small. It happens all the time. I have seen it applied in all areas of life, including marriage. How to handle...

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Overcoming Passivity | The Genesis Effect

Overcoming Passivity | The Genesis Effect

"An oldie, but a goodie." "Tried and true." When you read these sentences, you may think of music, sports, or a home remedy. I want to ask that you look at applying them to another aspect of your life — your marriage. How are you overcoming passivity? There are times...

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How to Lead Your Wife Courageously

How to Lead Your Wife Courageously

Let's talk about how to lead your wife. In a small-group setting, the discussion circled back around to our sin-beginnings and the inevitable finger-pointing at Eve. My wife, intrinsically knowing better, leaned over to me and whispered: “The buck stopped with Adam....

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Here’s What Marriage Requires to Last

Here’s What Marriage Requires to Last

What Marriage Requires to Last? My grandparents showed me. With the recent passing of my 89-year-old grandfather, I witnessed one of the saddest and most beautiful testaments to a life-long marriage. Shortly after his passing, I watched my grandmother sit and weep at...

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