


The Uncommen Blog

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

Reflections on Hugh Hefner’s Passing

Reflections on Hugh Hefner’s Passing

"Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth." — Proverbs 5:18 Hugh Hefner died of natural causes at the age of 91. The founder of Playboy magazine was the envy of men the world over. His home—Playboy Mansion—was the location of frequent...

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Uncommen Goals: Leaders

Uncommen Goals: Leaders

The definition of a Leader is: “the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.” What word jumps out at you in that definition? For me, the word that stood out the most was…“commands.” We’ve all been part of a group that when it’s time to pick a...

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Uncommen Goals for 2018

Uncommen Goals for 2018

It’s goal setting season, which prompts an important question. Do you know the difference between a goal and a dream? Dream: I want to lose 20 pounds, so I’m going on a diet. Goal: I’m going to lose 20 pounds by July 1st by changing what I eat and exercising three...

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Punch Back at Passivity

Punch Back at Passivity

Confession time. I struggle with passivity as much as any other man. There is something inside of me that likes to check out. When I say check out I mean: back down, ignore, disengage and take the path of least resistance. Passivity is a compulsion or learned tendency...

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Love Thy Neighbor

Love Thy Neighbor

What does an old man out walking his dog, an elementary school kid riding his bike, and a father mowing his lawn have in common? Chances are they are all your neighbors. Unless you live in a very rural area or have a high wall around your property, you likely live...

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Time for that Checkup

So I went to the doctor recently for my annual physical. If you’re anything like me, you probably only visit the doctor when you’re falling apart. Guys, let’s be honest. I have to be feeling really sick before I’ll drag myself off to the docs and by this point, it’s...

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Squirrels and Bills

Bills. That dreaded time of the month. Like many families, it’s the time of the month where we try and make it all work. I’m holed up in my home office, running numbers for our bills and monthly expenses and trying to match them up with our monthly budget. I work...

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Change Your Heart Before You Change Your Profession

Let’s take a look at two men on the job. One is a teacher and a coach at a local high school. He feels purposeful and fulfilled most days on the job. He looks forward to seeing young minds develop and being a part of the broader school community. His work makes sense...

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Producing Healthy Fruit

As an avid gardener, I am usually concerned about the health of my plants. Am I giving them the right nutrients? Is the plant pot bound and needs to be moved into a different one? Do they need pruning? My neighbor has a very prolific lime tree. Yet, each year, the...

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Step Into Solitude

We all have a pattern that we follow and solitude often doesn't make the cut. From the second we wake up in the morning to the moment we fall back asleep at night, we’ve all become relatively predictable. Wake up, check email, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, news,...

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Men Cheering On Other Men

Cheer men on. A few weekends ago, I spent some time thinking about my dad. I thought of our times growing up in a small town in Virginia; the moments of fishing and hunting with him. We spent time in the woods exploring and discovering all the old farms and mountains...

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Don’t Change to Impress

I have spent most of my life trying to change myself. Maybe it was the voice of condemnation that I grew up with or maybe the small, well-intentioned Baptist church I grew up in. Could it be because I looked to others to define myself, or how I hung my identity on...

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