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for the Uncommen Newsletter.


We send out a weekly email containing this week’s blog post and then once per month, we send out a “What’s Up Jack” letting you know what’s going on with Uncommen. We never give your emails away. Jack doesn’t share very well even if we wanted to.

Click here to learn more about becoming an Uncommen Member

Did you know that Uncommen develops the following:

Weekly Uncommen Blogs related to Husbands, Dads and Leaders. Just sign-up for our newsletter and we’ll deliver the blog to your inbox every Saturday.

Monthly Devotionals on the Bible App (YouVersion), Olive Tree and BTTB (Back to the Bible). We have over 55+ devotions on the Bible App

Monthly Uncommen Originals (For Members only) We currently have 15 in our library.

Uncommen Studies  / Books (Multiple volumes to choose from)

Uncommen Charters (small groups – 25 charters worldwide)

Uncommen Gear in our store (shirts, hats, hoodies and more)

Monthly Challenges by email (Members and Charter Leaders)

Quarterly Giveaways (Random)

Submit your prayer request (dedicated team of prayer warriors)

The outline of the Gospel for those who don’t know Jesus as their Savior

Our beliefs (Uncommen is not associated with a church)

We offer worksheets on marriage, parenting, intimacy and more

Facebook page, Members only group and Community Group

Feel free to partake in as many as is listed above as you’d like. 

Get Involved

  • Help us spread the word of Uncommen by telling 10 people
  • Donate to the cause and help us reach more men in need
  • Become a Sponsor ($5, $15, $50 a month would be great)

If there is something you’d like to see Uncommen develop that we currently don’t provide, please email us at [email protected] and let us know.

In the meantime, since you’re going to be something…be Uncommen!