


The Uncommen Blog

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

Peaceful Christmas

Peaceful Christmas

The Christmas season, with its festive spirit and gatherings, often brings unique challenges. Sometimes, it involves spending time with relatives or friends with whom we have complicated histories. This time of year, symbolizing the birth of Christ, calls us to...

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Gratitude of Time

Gratitude of Time

Gratitude of Time We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and how we choose to spend them can reveal a lot about our capacity for gratitude of time. While time is a finite resource, how we use it can profoundly impact our lives and the lives of those around us. In the...

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Power of Gratitude

Power of Gratitude

Power of Gratitude Being thankful is more than just saying "thanks." It's a way of looking at life that can make tough times easier. The Bible teaches us the power of gratitude. When bad things happen, it's easy to see only the bad. But the Bible says, "Give thanks in...

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Unmasking Your True Identity

Unmasking Your True Identity

Halloween has always been a magical time. As children, we eagerly anticipated that we could transform into our favorite characters, go door-to-door, and chant the age-old phrase, "Trick or treat?" But as adults, this holiday can serve as a profound metaphor for our...

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